PCOM-C609 carrier offers powerful and reliable solution to customer who has demand of high speed 10 Gigabit Ethernet. It is the first carrier with 10 Gigabit Ethernet with carrier board design guide which can be provided to customerMicro-ATX Form Factor Evaluation Carrier Board for COM Express® Rev 2.1 Type VI Module.


  • COM Express carrier board is compatible with the Portwell Type VI COM Express modules
  • Micro-ATX from factor meets most standard mounting spaces and provides more expansions displays
  • Support 2x 10 Gigabit Ethernet & 1x Gigabit Ethernet

Micro-ATX Form Factor Evaluation Carrier Board for COM Express® Rev 2.1 Type VI Module.

Portwell PCOM-C609 is designed with Micro-ATX form factor with COMExpress Type VI row connectors; it’s suitable for evaluation testing of Portwell’s Type 6 COM Express modules with USB 3.0, PCI-E, HDMI®, VGA, SATA, TPM and 10 Gigabit Ethernet support. Portwell is able to provide carrier board design guide for customer to design their carrier board as a reference.

PCOM-C609 is the first carrier board which can support 10 Gigabit Ethernet function. This can shorten customer’s carrier board developing time and make the development quickly and easily. The PCOM-C609 provides COM Express Type 6 support in addition to suit wide range of device connectivity for prototype and flexibility.



Ordering Guide
AB1-3D19 (R).PCOM-C609.Support TYPE VI.Micro-ATX Form Factor.COM Express Carrier Board